Terminal is the live negotiation environment. Terminal access is restricted to approved users, to request access or you are having trouble logging in, contact support@ccx.tech.
Sandbox is designed as a simulation environment which supports the full PharmaCCX platform functionality for training and practicing negotiations with no real world consequences. Reach out to info@ccx.tech to get a demo and sign up for access.
Bring speed, clarity, and coordination to access planning and pharma-payer engagement.
Bring efficiency and clarity to your negotiation process while elevating best practices and collaboration
Offer, receive, and decide on access agreement prices and parameters through a structured and round-based negotiation
Terminal is the live negotiation environment. Terminal access is restricted to approved users, to request access or you are having trouble logging in, contact support@ccx.tech.
Sandbox is designed as a simulation environment which supports the full PharmaCCX platform functionality for training and practicing negotiations with no real world consequences. Reach out to info@ccx.tech to get a demo and sign up for access.